Art direction and design of the packaging for miniature reproductions of sculptures by Auguste Rodin and Camille Claudel on sale in the Rodin Museum shop in Paris.
Wooden boxes and straw interior.
The Kiss (A.Rodin), The Cathedral (A.Rodin), The Thinker (A.Rodin), The Waltz (C.Claudel).
© Studio Delatour Design Paris / Musée Rodin Paris. Royal River Edition.
Art direction, Packaging Design,
Graphic Design
Musée Rodin, Paris

From Packaging design to Art direction.
Any new design project is a new challenge, new data, new constraints, whether they are about use, aesthetic or commercial. This packaging / box developed for the shop (physical and online) of the Rodin Museum in Paris was developed in the spirit of transport boxes for Art pieces, paintings or sculptures, in use at the time of Augustus Rodin (1840-1917) just like they are today.
The use of wood to keep the piece straight away from blows, straw to confine it and absorb shocks.
On the face, the sculptor's signature, on the profile the mention "fragile" and on the other a text in the chosen typography, directly related to the work of art. This packaging design is therefore both a protective element of reproduction, but also rewarding by giving it the status of almost original pieces, packaging that highlights the object, which we will surely keep as much as its content.
Delatour Design Paris, as a packaging and global design studio, had to create a packaging as an object, not only useful but in reference to the history of art in order to properly highlight "The Thinker" , "The Kiss", "The Cathedral" by Auguste Rodin and "The Waltz" by Camille Claudel. Thinking of the project as a whole, bringing more than the client's request, contributing to the history of a brand, a place, a woman and a man, this is an integral part of what represents for us Art direction.
This very specific packaging thus allowed the Rodin Museum to place this collection of miniature sculptures at the top of the sales of the museum's official store. Starting from a box for a sculpture, the number has now grown to 4 product references , thus leading to the creation of a very recognizable and statutory collection. We are proud to collaborate with the Musee Rodin in this way and to participate in the international influence of the one who is considered perhaps the greatest French sculptor, with an extraordinary work sometimes gentle, sometimes brutal, at the crossroads of Romanticism and Impressionism, product of the struggle between form and light.
Jimmy Delatour, founder of Delatour Design studio.
Shop Musee Rodin : 79 rue de Varenne 75017 Paris - France.
Online :